Apply for Core Gebeya Training

How does the application process work?

  • Acceptance into the program is a 4-step process
    • After submitting your application you will get an acknowledgement receipt via email from the Gebeya team.
    • Your application will be put into a screening process queue for a review.
    • You will be called for an interview. Based on the interview, you will receive an acceptance or denial decision status.
    • If accepted you will get a welcome package and invitation for orientation to meet the staff and instructors of Gebeya.
  • Tuition
    • Our tuition cost for the Core Training is affordable and is set at 4,000 Ethiopian Birr for one month training. The value you receive from Gebeya training is well above what you are paying for. Please check out the curriculum here. To find out more about the tuition and cost please contact us at


  • The Core Training, which is a one month training, is only available in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Therefore you must be located or be a resident of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in order to qualify for this first session. This program is an entry level programming class and a refreshment training for those who want to revise and touch base with their programming lessons from the past. The following bullet points state requirement for each Core Training Tracks.
    • Java: Previous programming knowledge/experience in C++, C#, Python and with introductory knowledge about object oriented programming
    • C#: Previous programming knowledge/experience in C++, VB, Python and the like and with an introductory knowledge about
    • Web Development (no previous programming experience)
    • Javascript (no previous programming experience)