Advanced Javascript Programming
In this Advanced JavaScript Programming training course, you will learn advanced JavaScript techniques that include working with the new ES5 mainly / ECMAScript 2015 ("ES6") lightly release. The course includes a thorough exploration of advanced objects, arrays, and functions; the XMLHttpRequest (Ajax) API; and working with JSON. Finally, you will learn to handle errors and exceptions and to use regular expressions in JavaScript.
- Previous experience in an object oriented programming language or javascript
Learning Outcome
- Learn to recognize/handle scope, including ES5/ ES6 (lightly) techniques for controlling the scope of a variable
- Learn to use prototyping,ES5/ ES6 (lightly) classes, and advanced JavaScript objects like maps and sets
- Learn advanced techniques for working with functions, including default values and flexible arguments, closures, immediately-invoked function expressions (IIFEs), and recursion
- Learn to use advanced array methods and properties
- Learn to use the XMLHttpRequest API to make Ajax calls and techniques for dealing with the same-origin policy
- Learn to use the JSON data format in JavaScript
- Learn to use try/catch/finally for handling errors
- Learn to use regular expressions in JavaScript